Thursday, 9 June 2011

Au Revoir Dukan

Weight: 12.5

Well it's au revoir stupid horrible Dukan Diet that cost me £120!  I can't believe I signed up for that.  I am so pleased to see the back of it.  I did eat fish yesterday, salmon, and I really liked it. Phew as I was getting a bit worried about my fish anathema. It's no more revolting fromage frais or yoghurt or cottage cheese and fish I don't like.

New diet is Weight Loss Resources where you just log in what you eat every day and by taking note of every last thing you ram into your gob you automatically pay a bit more attention to it....and EAT NORMAL FOOD.  Phew.    God, I'm hungry.

Monday, 6 June 2011

I hate this diet

Weight: 12.4

I hate fish. I used to like fish but suddenly I hate it which is a shame because the Dukan diet is heavy on fish. I also hate yoghurt, fromage frais, cottage cheese, low fat cream cheese, quark and curds. I am desperately trying to find something I like and want to eat that is actually allowed on this very strict regime. It's guinea fowl tonight - I know I like that.

I lie on my daily report claiming to have had no slip ups when I've eaten no diet food all day, only fattening things. I then have to lie about my weight. I think I had better either come clean or stick to the damned diet.