Tuesday 30 April 2013


Terrible terrible day yesterday.  Wall to wall chocolate, biscuits and general crap.
Cream tea for breakfast today - amazing.

Feeling lazy
Fitbit: over the weekend a grillion billion but yesterday pretty much zilch.
P: quite good I think, all that sweet stuff.

Today: walk, swim, dancing.

Friday 26 April 2013


Oh no, going in the wrong direction.  I ate a lot of sweet thigs yesterday.
Walking: 10k steps.  Walked to Wandsworth.  Raining today and I am going to be stuck in car.
Awful headache.  Really bad today.   Drank one glass of wine last night.  E
No poo.  Still have period.  Feel ghastly.

Thursday 25 April 2013


Ghastly headache. Walked 13k.  Felt tired. Ate ice cream - lovely.

Wednesday 24 April 2013


Boring period.  Hurt yesterday a bit.
Walked to swimming.  Swam for 20 mins. Bussed back
Fitbit 25k because I walked to Putney Bridge then tubed it to Fulham.
Belly dancing class was lovely.  Can't wait for the next session.
Headache today.

Tuesday 23 April 2013


Well with so much walking I did expect to shift some flab.  I do seem to be getting thinner.  It will just take a long time.  I walked a million miles at the weekend and I ache accordingly.

Period - groan
Food logged for the first time in ages
Within cals despite a crunchie and chocolate biscuit.

What is 12.8 in pounds?  Well 10 is 140 plus 28 plus 8 = 176.

Thursday 18 April 2013


Aghhhh.  Damned biscuits.
Fitbit: 14000. Got blister from new shoes.  So annoying.
Booze: 0
Food: Fine except dreadful biscuit attack in the afternoon.
P: can't remember
Enormous tummy overflowed o'er trousers.  Must correct forthwith.

Wednesday 17 April 2013


Fitbit: 13000. Would be happy but Jo did 18000
Walked to market and back from Green Man.
Healthy veg moussaka for dinner. Macburgers for lunch, no fries or coke.
No sugar - except 2 shortbread.  No chocolate.

Tuesday 16 April 2013


Fitbit: 10k
P:3 10pm
Sugar and all things carb ...... A hundred billion cals.

Sugar free starts today.  5 days of perfection then bread and things can come back in.

Walk to market planned.  Maybe some of the way.  Bus back.

Monday 15 April 2013


Oh farts.  I knew two boosts, four freddo the frogs and a packet of jelly babies was overdoing it a bit after dinner.

Right - time to get off sugar.  Watch me.  But how do I avoid chronic constipation .... Again?

Fine 4 today - bit of a strain.  Bit of a pile up.

Fitbit: 10k today. Need 7 days til it registers.  My first two days were 7 steps then 14 steps so that doesn't make my stats look too brill so far.  I will just have to jiggle it more.

Thursday 11 April 2013


After hols.  Recovering from jetlag. Getting going again.

Fitbit 10k
Other: 30 mins swim
Poo: Excellent 4