Saturday 29 June 2013


Big fat period.  Ghastly hacking cough. Total malaise.  Sinfully constipated.  All bad.

Sunday 23 June 2013


In view of how little I ate yesterday and the day before I would expect to weigh less but there again given the vast amount I ate prior tot that it is an absolute miracle I don't weigh over 13 stone.

Today will be low carbs. Well that is no bread, sugar or dairy.

Awful cough. Weeing hideously frequently.  Rather leaky.

Saturday 22 June 2013


Detox day yesterday. It went so well.  I ate very little.  I planned liquids only - lots of tea, water and miso soup.  I fell for some Brie and right at the end of the day a banana was ingested into my body.  I was really pleased as it all came to about 300 cals and could pass as a fast day.

I swam, I walked and I had my hair done.  So good.

I then decided to uplift my soul by going away for the night.  I stripped the bed, washed the sheets and set off .... to the spare room.  Lovely.  It is a beautiful room and I slept very well in it.

Detox house today.  It is raining which kiboshes my exercise plan.  I was going to walk to the market.
Oh well, I will sort out the studio and feel a bit more creative. I will sew my quilt and eat low carbs.

Friday 21 June 2013


If you told me I had to gain a massive amount of weight for some reason ... I would do exactly what I am doing now.  And I am SUPPOSED to be on a diet.

Totally sedentary, almost comatose.  Eating every last carb I can find in Asda and Sainsburys.

I didn't go to class.  I didn't go to anything all week.  I am so lazy. I walked on Mon and Tues and that is  it.  Time to change.  I willp not eat anything at all today. It will be hard but I will just have water and maybe some clear broth for dins tonight.  Tough call.

Friday 14 June 2013


I ate so much lunch I couldn't manage dinner. I am still full.  Actually, it wasn't that big.  I am not quite sure why I have put on weight as I have rather better on the stuffing my face front lately.  No exercise. I am ill.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


A far better day diet wise.  I made a chocolate house cake and ate a few trimmings.  Bad me.  Girls who are pickers need bigger knickers.

12k on the Fitbit. Computer seems to have found it without my input as it sent me a message.  I wonder how?  Its little blue teeth must be gnashing away.

Dinner at the opera.  I skipped lunch .... So actually, a very good day.

I feel sick today.  Very.  Have I got a bug?  So hope not as am off to E Wittering to deliver rugs and Portsmouth to collect Apprentice.  I need to feel well.

Wednesday 5 June 2013


Looking at the over all picture my weight is stable, about the same weight as a stable complete with horses but, nonetheless, consistent in its enormity.  Therefore, by my reckoning, I could shift some quite easily if I know I am maintaining and not gaining with this much food then less weight should be quite easy.

Last night at belly dancing I nearly wept I was so fat.

Time for effort.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


I don't think I eat that much.  But I do eat the wrong things.  But I love the wrong things.  Meat, fish, veg are fine but sticky toffee pudding is so much finer.

Ooh goody dancing tonight.  I start my course on Thursday.