Wednesday, 28 May 2014


If you eat 1,050 cals of chocolate you will not lose weight.  I know.
It was lovely.  

Saturday, 24 May 2014


I went to Slimming World where I faced a 4lb weight gain since I last graced their portals.

Good: I am still down 6lbs from the start.
Bad: I have gained 7lbs in the past two weeks.
Ugly: I am very fat.

I will lose loads this week.

New tactic: I will photograph everything I eat for a week.
This is hard work but quite good fun.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


You may think this is bad; it was 180 yesterday.

So I had a look at the SW site and chose a diet off there that stipulated exactly what to shove in for a week.  Admittedly flapjacks didn't feature but they did make me poo.

I love my puppy.  Even if it does mean I am sedentary all day long watching him.  

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Thursday, 1 May 2014


It's chocolate that does it.

I must stop eating so much crap stuff.

Huge swim yesterday.  I really ought to be able to get my weight down a bit with only a small amount of effort.

Right: 3 meals a day and no snacks.  No chocolate, no bread and no sugar.  No chance.