Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Many lunches

Weight 11.11
Went swimming through child soup as it's half term - managed 30 lengths.
Walked round Clapham stopping for cheese and biccies with MC then walked dog. When I got home I had a giant fridge raid followed by chilli in a tortilla then felt stupidly full. I couldn't manage dinner but did have some strawberry icecream and a flake and, surprise surprise, I put on weight.
Will I never learn?

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Britain's Biggest Fatso

Weight: 11.10

Watching British Biggest Loser last night did not inspire me to lose weight. Firstly, I am quarter of the size of most of them and secondly making these poor people do 4 hefty gym sessions per day seems ridiculous. When they return to their normal lives and normal work etc., they will get fat again. So I ate a big bowl of pasta followed by strawberry ice cream in front of it.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Poor Fat Me

Weight: 11.12

Although I am still gloriously brown I am also gloriously heavy. Mr Smith was right when he said I would put on weight the moment I recovered from my hangover and ate things. I was so sick yesterday there was bound to be a drop. However, I spent the whole day in bed and ate an enormous roast dinner at the end of it to put things back to normal. I see not much different happening today. I am suffering from depression and a broken heart and a hangover all of which need very gentle nursing. Poor fat Me.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

one one one one

Weight: 11.11
This is better but not what I need to be by Thursday. So it will be hard work this week. I have a terrible hangover and was violently sick all night. This is probably good for weight loss though not ideal.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Shattered heart

Weight: 11stone 12lbs

Hooray - getting there. I have my period but don't feel too bloated. The vast fluid retention I had from flying has diminished. I still have no energy.

Party tonight, nothing fits, bought new dress size 12 but super stretchy. I look fat. I must look happy and not cry. I am so so so sad. I have truly crashed.

Friday, 18 February 2011


Weight: 12stone 1 pound

If only weight loss could always be like this. Eat as much as you can and lose 5 pounds instantly. However, I never stop peeing - all that fluid retention from flying and I also have my period. The next couple of days are pretty crucial. I should be able to get below 12 stone then start the hard work again. I would swim but I have period pains. I'll start in earnest on Monday.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Post holiday

Leaving weight: 11 stone 5 pounds
Today's weight: 12 stone 6 pounds. Wow!

Admittedly the whole point of the diet was to lose weight for the holiday but upon my return I have discovered that I have managed to gain more than a stone in 2 weeks. Well done me! So now I will get back on the diet and back on the exercise, especially the running and lose some pounds. I will be thin again soon but in the meantime I need to sleep. I am so tired after a nightflight home and so bloated - aeroplanes do that to me. I'm all fat fingers and bolster legs.
I'm going shopping later and it will be all protein and no more stupid carbs for me and lots of water.