Saturday, 9 April 2011

Jockey nuts

Weight 12.0
Thank God. maybe I wasn't standing quite right on the scales yesterday. Yes I was, I did several weighs to make sure.

Jockey's breakfast muesli:-
Oats, malted barley, linseed, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, figs & prunes.
Soak all these in milk, leave for an hour or so then add half a shredded apple and a little honey.
I soak it overnight so I know exactly what I'm having for brekker.

The only problem with this is it designed for a jockey who is then going to go out riding a great big racehorse all day not sit on his arse gazing into space.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Oh My God

Weight 12.4

How the heck did that happen?

Friday, 1 April 2011

Blood, sweat and tears

Weight: 12.0

Oh dear.

I had a blood test on Wed and am awaiting the results. I have a nasty feeling the doctor will be sending for me as I am hideously overweight with high cholesterol and blood pressure. In the meantime I am doing the menopause like it's a brand new dance. Well, actually, after three rather ghastly days it has all settled down now and I feel fine. In fact I feel rather well. I swam miles and did a bit of shed building so I am not completely inert. I am just so bloody fat I could cry.