Wednesday, 29 February 2012


I have stuck to weight watchers more or less for a couple of days now and expect to be three stone lighter. I am two pounds lighter. I really need to take some exercise but I just can't be arsed.

Monday, 27 February 2012

13 stone still

Oh this Weightwatchers points calculation is rather tricky. I eat things then can't remember what or how much. I must weigh stuff. I tried to weigh my meat from the roast last night but Mr Smith became very unhelpful and piled masses and masses on my plate. I think I got it more or less right in the end. Honestly, if he's not going to be supportive I am never going to get anywhere.

Well, Monday starts a new week. Off we go.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

13 stone

This is so horrible. I am so fat! I am not drinking alcohol which must be a good thing but I am eating far too much bread, cheese and chocolate.

I am struggling to get the hang of weightwatchers online. Mighty tricky. I will fathom it soon. Here's the really tricky bit - daily points allowance is 26 and extra points allowance is 49 so really daily points allowance is 33 but they don't do it like that.
I dare say I will twig before I hit 14 stone.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


After two weeks of concerted effort I have to admit this is going nowhere but up so maybe, just maybe, it is time to call in the professionals.

One thing I know I do is eat every meal as though there is never going to be another one. I have to address the volume of food I eat. I just am out of control. However, I do think that if you take a look at my weekly food consumption it is pretty low. Often I don't eat anything at all and the result is fat piling. Right, time to make some changes. I will drag my big fat arse to weight watchers and weep.

Sunday, 12 February 2012


Fat telly with chocolate - yes! Biggest loser with Montezuma's buttons. Ooooh look they're really fat and really lazy.

This morning I walked the dog, walked to the pool, swam 20, walked back, walked to outpatients, walked home then back to o.p. then home again. I am not walking the dog this pm.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

12.12 or One hundred and eighty

Oh my God, I weigh 180lbs. Actually, this is quite a good starting point as it's a good round figure - pun intended. It can go down pound by pound with me happily noting them down.

I want to deliver the painting but not til I am thinner. Notably so.

Friday, 3 February 2012


Back from Caribbean holiday and post Christmas. Well, last week I was a staggering 13 something so it's looking downwardly trending. I was sick last night from eating salmon and drinking wine. Was the salmon bad? Maybe I have germ. Whatever it is I feel horribly unwell. I have been off booze since last Saturday ... How many days is that? 5. I had two glasses of white last night and was so sick I am getting back on that wagon.