Wednesday, 26 November 2014


A slightly wobbly earthquake in London.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, burnt to the ground. oh well, nobody went there much.

Terrible day of starving hunger.  I ate half a bagel and some tara, a spoonful of ice cream and a couple of glasses of wine.  Everything else was golden good.  Stuffed peppers for dins. Yummy.

Gym, swim and much attention to diet.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Lost two and a half pounds at weigh in yesterday.  Good.
I have to do that again this week.
I probably need to eat a bit more.  It was roast chicken with loads a veg last night and a couple of g&ts in the pub.  All's happy.

Building starts on Bank of England and Covent Garden Opera House opens.  

Sunday, 23 November 2014


Horace Walpole coins the word serendipity.

I don't understand what that means.  What is coin and what is serendipity?
Serendipity means a "fortunate happenstance" or "pleasant surprise". It was coined by Horace Walpole in 1754. In a letter he wrote to a friend Walpole explained an unexpected discovery he had made by reference to a Persian fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip. The princes, he told his correspondent, were “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”.

I was good - not perfect but I did everything right except cake. I only had a little bit.  Cakes are smaller these days.  One day I will make a cake and eat the entire thing.  I will.  It will be lovely.

Big roast last night.  Not too hungover, amazingly.


Saturday, 22 November 2014


Had a skinful.  Bloody hangover.  But look at the weight!

I know what the big problem is .... Running.  It is making me hold on to a lot of water.  Heavy legs.  I ought to do it for my heart etc.  I might give it a rest til Monday.

1752 - The Year the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, losing 11 days.  Rioters accuse government of stealing 11 days of their lives.

Dutch States-General forbids the export of Windmills.

Moscow has a nasty fire.

Liberty Bell arrives in Philadephia.  

Thursday, 20 November 2014


I did not overeat.  I don't understand why I am not losing weight.  No booze.  All the good stuff, no bad stuff.  Grrrr!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Not only cheesed off that I have put on weight but also I have been this weight before and am back in the same year.  Grrrr!!!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Stayed the same Grrrrrrr!  And I tried so hard.  So it's no bad stuff at all at all at all.  If I do have a teeny slip it will be my syns.

I gymed I swam I dog walked.

And now I have lept forward by 6 years to find the prime minister has been dismissed by the King and William Pitt the elder has replaced him.  The Jacobites are behaving badly - That Bonnie Prince Charlie thinks he is going to become Charles III of England .... we have that problem too. After a dreadful harvest the Bread and Butter riots took place.  These sound like my kind of riots. The first golf club opened at Blackheath. The invention of the golf widow.

Monday, 17 November 2014


Of course we have that huge difference of:

Morning weight
Scales calibration
Food & drink

This can be 5lbs difference between morning and evening weight.  Watch this space.  Weigh in this evening.  

Sunday, 16 November 2014


Oh no,it's going the wrong way.

1st volume of Gibbon's "Decline & Fall of Roman Empire" published
AmericanWar of Independence
Adam Smith publishes Wealth of Nations
First "cocktail" served in a New York bar.  When used to refer to any generic alcoholic mixed drinkcocktail may mean any beverage that contains two or more ingredients if at least one of them contains alcohol.

Saturday, 15 November 2014


Oops, ate and drank too much.

1768 - John Hancock, smuggler extraordinaire, doesn't pay duty on his cargo.
First encyclopaedia Britannia printed in Scotland. 

Friday, 14 November 2014


Going down, feeling good.
Feels odd not going to SW today.  Monday is my new weigh in.  I don't like the Monday group; it's a bit spooky and very big.  However, Mondays are the new Fridays and I have to be good over the weekend.

I am doing so well.  But it is the sort of well that could easily be undone by a couple of good meals and a biscuit or two.

Gym and swimming today followed by shopping in lovely Hythe.  

Thursday, 13 November 2014


Enormous lunch after splendiferous poppies.

No dinner.  

Sunday, 9 November 2014


Year: 1780

No syns day yesterday,  food was all free stuff.  Fruit, meat and veg.  Bread is out.  

Went for a C25k lollop.  Got a stop watch which is a great help.

New mantra: Need or Greed? 

Saturday, 8 November 2014

New outlook

I bought new scales which are accurate and weigh to the tenth of a pound which then gives me my weight like a date such as 1812.  ie 181 lbs. I then look up that date and see what was going on in the world.  Napoleon was busy in Russia and there was an interesting overture to accompany it.

Today was 1794.  The Louvre opened its doors to the public for the first time and Robespierre got guillotined.  Strasbourg passed a law prohibiting circumcision and the wearing of beards.  Catherine the Great was busy being great in Russia - that thing about the horse was all rubbish.

I am changing SW to Monday.  I always mess up the weekends so today I am being golden.
Then I will be golden again tomorrow and on Monday I might not eat anything at all .... depending on how it is going.  No, I will eat on Monday just not pudding or bread or cheese or chocolate or booze or cake or biscuits.  I need a word or some intitials to describe all that. Maybe CAPS Cake and processed sugar.

Sunday, 2 November 2014


No bread yesterday.  I did have cake.  I did spend most of the day in bed.  I took the dog and the boy to the sea.  The coughing boy was ill so we didn't walk much.

I ate better but still not brilliantly.  Far too much sugar.  I didn't have dinner last night.

I feel very odd today.  I am horribly dizzy.  Is this diabetes?  I have had a week of living off sugar.  I think a detox is required regardless of advice from people on line saying they are rubbish.  Actually I feel sick now.  Oh dear.

Year is 1268.  It was a leap year. 

Saturday, 1 November 2014


Terrible cake problem.  Rainbow cake.  Can't stop eating it.
I am going to try and eat nothing today.  I will be hungry but I am so out of control I have to do this.

I have an online friend, Boring, who isn't at all boring.  He has a time machine which is fuelled by his weight loss.  He has taught me the formula to fuel one of my own but mine has gone wrong and has hurled me into the future.  I now have to get back somehow .... by losing weight.

I am much too fat.  I am also very very lazy.  I loll about all day.  I will be disciplined today.

My year: 1277, a new pope and Edward I has got to Worcester.  Trouble in Wales.