Saturday, 24 January 2015


I was self destructive yesterday. About once a year I have a Macburgers meal. This is for several reasons:-
I am there and starving and it is the only thing available.
I need to remind myself what much of the nation are shoving into their bodies then moaning they are obese.
I remind myself just how ghastly it is - A messy experience laden with billions of calories, eaten with no implements at filthy tables in plastic land with screaming children and tasting entirely of cardboard, especially the chips. 
I was at Burger King; they are all much the same. There is always at least one ingredient in the burger that I dislike. I carefully dodged the barbecue sauce by having it "my way" but they sneaked in something like salty wood shavings that was dreadful and I wondered if they had emptied the office pencil sharpeners into my burger. I ate it anyway. The chips tasted bitter and really dry - I covered them in ketchup and ate those too. Then I ate my napkin and straw - no I didn't but they would have been just as tasty. Actually I am now going to look up the calories in that poo fest. And here are the results: burger 955, fries 238. Total = 1 million.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


Going down, diet extremely hard work - hungry all the time.  Eating loads but mostly good things such as worthy bean swoop from slow cooker.  It's getting to the point where I will eat any soup that isn't this yucky stuff; actually, it is really nice but enough already.  I might make clear veg broth or chicken soup.

Went to gym and swimming.  Trying to figure out cross trainer but annoying man told me all about his head injury.  Someone had stabbed him in the head - pretty near to it myself.  Went for a swim instead.

Master plan - gym 3 times a week.  Only until holiday at end of month.

Thursday, 1 January 2015


New Year.  New Resolutions.  New me?