Saturday, 24 January 2015


I was self destructive yesterday. About once a year I have a Macburgers meal. This is for several reasons:-
I am there and starving and it is the only thing available.
I need to remind myself what much of the nation are shoving into their bodies then moaning they are obese.
I remind myself just how ghastly it is - A messy experience laden with billions of calories, eaten with no implements at filthy tables in plastic land with screaming children and tasting entirely of cardboard, especially the chips. 
I was at Burger King; they are all much the same. There is always at least one ingredient in the burger that I dislike. I carefully dodged the barbecue sauce by having it "my way" but they sneaked in something like salty wood shavings that was dreadful and I wondered if they had emptied the office pencil sharpeners into my burger. I ate it anyway. The chips tasted bitter and really dry - I covered them in ketchup and ate those too. Then I ate my napkin and straw - no I didn't but they would have been just as tasty. Actually I am now going to look up the calories in that poo fest. And here are the results: burger 955, fries 238. Total = 1 million.

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