Wednesday, 22 June 2016


Went to SW at Hythe which was significantly better than any I have been to recently.  Might go again.  I wonder how Wednesday would work for me?  No. I think it will have to be Mondays for the foreseeable although I hate them.  I just need something to boost me and the thought of checking in on Monday might stop me going beserk all weekend every weekend.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


Ah that's better.
A bit surprised actually as I have done nowt and still overeaten stupidly. I ate a massive amount on Sunday with very little exercise.  Yesterday was biscuity but better.  Today shows promise.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


I only lost half a pound.  I suppose given my Yorkshire pudding eatfest on Sunday it was amazing I lost anything at all really.  Hardly anyone stayed at Dymchurch which is a soulless group at the best of times.  I won the prize which was all the ingredients for a pasta meal and bowl.  Lovely.  We ate it for dinner - not the bowl.

Today I start a 12 week weightloss program.  I have an excellent new booklet and will write in it every day and perform the tasks as prescribed.

I do have a very busy social week but maybe with lots of exercise, less food and only a little booze, I could do it.  I bloody have to!

Monday, 13 June 2016


Arty food journal is getting ever more inventive!  The truth is too big to draw.

Yorkshire puds til they came out of my ears yesterday but I could still eat more.

Don't think weigh in is gonna big as good as I hoped.  

Friday, 10 June 2016


In a desperate bid to do something different I joined Monday's SW rather than Friday.  I find I mess up big time over the weekend if I go on Fridays.  I don't like the Monday group; I consider it punishment.

I am painting everything I eat.  There is a woman in the group who photographs everything she eats.  Actually, I am not drawing everything, just one element of each meal.  The pics are becoming ever more abstract and grapefruit yesterday is represented by one yellow circle.  My progress so far is amazing despite a marshmallow incident at Hobbycraft.

SW scales weigh lighter than mine. In fact they weigh lighter than everyone's in the world.  I reckon they are out by 2 lbs but I quite like that.

Now to enter the weekend with some semblance of dieting rather than scoffing.

I have been working so hard on the allotment.  It is so good for me.  

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Logged every mouthful. Went to SW.  Did well.  Feel better.
Walked doggywoggy beside the sea and golf course.  Clocked up more cals.

SW definitely allows you a lot more than 1100 calories.  And if you stick to it you definitely lose weight.  So which is better?  Stingey little calorie allowance or lots of careful food?  Stingey allowance is not sustainable.  Obviously you get more if you exercise.

I met someone who documents her every mouthful by photo on Facebook.  She does day by day collage.  It's brilliant.  I might draw mine.  

Monday, 6 June 2016


I added up all the calories I ate yesterday and even at a conservative estimate I was about 2,000 over. This means I am eating three times the amount I need.  I am surprised I don't weigh more.  Good grief I am going to have to cut back.  Severely.  

Sunday, 5 June 2016


It's the cake.  I am addicted to cake.  I ate over 2,000 cals of cake yesterday.  I think my daily total of food was probably 5,000 or more cals.  I did go swimming which was lovely and I did dig the allotment for hours but I still did not use up all those cals.

So now I am heading a little thread entitled stay off the cake and biscuits.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


Oh Lordy how did that happen?
Nice Swiss roll on the go.

June today.  Might give up bread.  That usually works a treat.