Monday, 29 February 2016


Going down.  Yesterday we had lasagne followed by treacle sponge and cream washed down with white wine.  I am mightily surprised I lost weight.  I did take the dog for a walk and I didn't eat anything else other than my lunch all day.  3lbs off in a day is massive.  In fact to drop from 172 to 167 in 4 days is a bit surprising but I think most of it is water retention from flying.  If I now keep up the diet I should have a great weight loss by Friday.  Oh how exciting.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Post holiday

After a month away I do expect a good half stone increase.  I was swimming and walking a great deal and it is only now that I am home I realise just how much exercise I was really packing into a day.  All rather sendentary back in Blighty.

Today was 172.  Much of that is plane swell.

Things I avoided on holiday.  Chocolate, cake, cheese, wine, biscuits, crisps.
What I ate was fruit for breakfast, sarni or salad for lunch and loads of rum in the evening and meat or fish for dins.

And now I must check myself and not fall into comfort eating.  It is cold and food is so warming.
Lots of cups of tea.