Monday, 19 February 2018


Keep your hair on, it was 184.  Then it went up even further due to a giant cheese fest.

According to SW weigh in I gained 7.5 lbs on holiday.  In two weeks.  That is pretty spectacular.  Much of that weight was water retention from flying.  My bolster legs ached but have now gone down.  Honestly if I hadn’t overdone it at the cheese fest my weight could now be 5lbs down.

My goal this week is to make it to about 179.

New exercise is power walking.  I haven’t actually done any but, look, I have lost 3 lbs just thinking about it.  Just imagine what will happen when I actually do some.  I wonder how to do it.  Lots of elbows and arm swinging I suppose.

My sister in law told me how they once went cross country skiing and the wife of the other couple was really unfit and got really hot and sweaty and just held them back all the time being a total pain.  That would have been me, except I would have trained for it.  I still might have been dreadful.  So I think power walking might be much the same miserable experience.  I will try.  

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