Thursday, 29 December 2016


New iPad and a long and tedious effort to get back here through forgotten passwords I am now reunited with you.  I had an odd year.  I didn't lose weight.  I wrecked my knees doing PE.  I gave up alcohol for October and November and most of December.  Back on the wagon soon.

I have just bought beautiful enormous clothes but the linen dungarees are still a bit tight across my gigantic bot.  I will work on it.  

Saturday, 8 October 2016


Tuesday: Bootcamp
Wednesday: Gym & swim
Thursday: Outdoor gym
Friday: Bootcamp
Sunday: prancing about in front of the mirror.

Perfect food every day except Thursday.  

Last night was a bit rubbishy little high calorie, high fat, high carb snacks after Art Lecture.  But seeing as I had been so exercisey at Bootcamp I thought that was ok really.  

No booze all week.  Going for dry October with a dispensation for wedding next Saturday.

Now to for the next week of sensible meals.  

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Joe Wicks for every meal.  Going well except I exploded on Monday and had to spend the whole morning on the loo.  I then died.  I then rose from the dead and vowed never to eat protein powder again in my life.

Of course the amazing 5 lbs loss is due to the ghastly shits and not being able to eat a morsel all day.  I went to Bootcamp last night and was a bit weedy.  My knees are rubbish.  I will lose weight then they will get a bit of a break.

Right time for a sum.

140 + 28 = 168.

I need to be 168 lbs by the end of next week.  Unlikely even if I have the trots every single day.

Saturday, 24 September 2016


That is One hundred and eighty ... To be yelled like a darts score.

So I did decide to buy Joe Wicks' expensive diet and exercise plan because he gave me a reduction of twenty quid,  Mad? Not entirely because I have put a few things in place ready for the whole JW experience which will be happening for real once they have worked out a diet and exercise plan for me.  I thought off the shelf would be fine but apparently it is all individual.  So then 90 days of less biscuits/cake etc.  I have a huge cake to make today for the church meeting so I might have a feast before the famine, a last supper of Victoria sponge.

 I have started buying ridiculously expensive food and following the rather good recipes in his book.  They are supposed to take 15 minutes but somehow take me ages.  Yesterday I bought sea bass and got the fishmonger to fillet it - £24.  Twenty four quid.  The problem is Joe is writing for big male athletes with huge appetites so they need half a pound of fish.  There are two of us so after much maths of two x 125g fillets per person .... Um er carry one that is 250g and the same for him = 500g of fish.  This is only marginally cheaper than mermaid.

I have also joined the ranks of the bootcampers at Old Romney.  Hard work but I really enjoyed it.  Lots of jumping up and down.  I did pull a muscle in my thigh yesterday but I am sure it will get better soon.  Although this is more cardio rather than HITT I am really getting into it and it is so much better than nothing.  Getting disgustingly sweaty is a whole new thing.  And I used to always stop exercise the moment a teeny bead of perspiration appeared on my forehead but now I am drowning and fine with it.

Even if I don't lose weight I will be a lot fitter.

Thursday, 1 September 2016


Enlisting the help of Joe Wicks though I resent paying into the grillion pound diet market.  I shouldn't really need to pay money to Jesus in fitwear (as described in the Daily Mail) to eat less.  Surely!

I am following him a bit half heartedly as I am determined not to buy his shocking £150 90 day course although Mr Smith thinks I should.  I have bought the cookery book and signed up for a daily email or something telling me to throw away my fridge, or at least its contents, and buy a microwave.  Actually it didn't tell me to do either of those things but I read it a bit too zealously.  New microwave arrived.  One day I will plug it in and find out what it does.

Now to get a hernia from Joe's terrifying workout.  Just watching it.  

Monday, 22 August 2016


I am scared.
Shit scared.

Cider is really really fattening.  No more for me.  

Thursday, 11 August 2016


A massive weight gain twinned with a massive cake addiction.  Not a good combo.

I went to SW and resigned.  No more stupid syns.  I am free to get as fat as I can until I explode.  No, I am free to have whatever I want and not pay £5 to be horrified by my weight each week.  Oh phew.

Right time to lose weight for me and nobody else.  

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


A better day though there was a biscuit incident for which I gave myself the suitable punishment of only a yoghurt for dinner.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Sunday, 3 July 2016


That's a good start.  In fact I was 175 so that is a 2 lb loss.
Weyhey.  Awful monster headache, bloody detox.  But I have to do it,

Friday, 1 July 2016


Oh dear.  Since I started my 12 week weightloss plan I went into reverse eating and drinking far too much and now weigh heaps more.  Time to rethink it all.

No Diet Coke
Less wine
Less cake
No snacking.

July is here.  I can make this my mega diet month.
 30 lbs in 30 days.  Probably not.  But I could try.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


Went to SW at Hythe which was significantly better than any I have been to recently.  Might go again.  I wonder how Wednesday would work for me?  No. I think it will have to be Mondays for the foreseeable although I hate them.  I just need something to boost me and the thought of checking in on Monday might stop me going beserk all weekend every weekend.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


Ah that's better.
A bit surprised actually as I have done nowt and still overeaten stupidly. I ate a massive amount on Sunday with very little exercise.  Yesterday was biscuity but better.  Today shows promise.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


I only lost half a pound.  I suppose given my Yorkshire pudding eatfest on Sunday it was amazing I lost anything at all really.  Hardly anyone stayed at Dymchurch which is a soulless group at the best of times.  I won the prize which was all the ingredients for a pasta meal and bowl.  Lovely.  We ate it for dinner - not the bowl.

Today I start a 12 week weightloss program.  I have an excellent new booklet and will write in it every day and perform the tasks as prescribed.

I do have a very busy social week but maybe with lots of exercise, less food and only a little booze, I could do it.  I bloody have to!

Monday, 13 June 2016


Arty food journal is getting ever more inventive!  The truth is too big to draw.

Yorkshire puds til they came out of my ears yesterday but I could still eat more.

Don't think weigh in is gonna big as good as I hoped.  

Friday, 10 June 2016


In a desperate bid to do something different I joined Monday's SW rather than Friday.  I find I mess up big time over the weekend if I go on Fridays.  I don't like the Monday group; I consider it punishment.

I am painting everything I eat.  There is a woman in the group who photographs everything she eats.  Actually, I am not drawing everything, just one element of each meal.  The pics are becoming ever more abstract and grapefruit yesterday is represented by one yellow circle.  My progress so far is amazing despite a marshmallow incident at Hobbycraft.

SW scales weigh lighter than mine. In fact they weigh lighter than everyone's in the world.  I reckon they are out by 2 lbs but I quite like that.

Now to enter the weekend with some semblance of dieting rather than scoffing.

I have been working so hard on the allotment.  It is so good for me.  

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Logged every mouthful. Went to SW.  Did well.  Feel better.
Walked doggywoggy beside the sea and golf course.  Clocked up more cals.

SW definitely allows you a lot more than 1100 calories.  And if you stick to it you definitely lose weight.  So which is better?  Stingey little calorie allowance or lots of careful food?  Stingey allowance is not sustainable.  Obviously you get more if you exercise.

I met someone who documents her every mouthful by photo on Facebook.  She does day by day collage.  It's brilliant.  I might draw mine.  

Monday, 6 June 2016


I added up all the calories I ate yesterday and even at a conservative estimate I was about 2,000 over. This means I am eating three times the amount I need.  I am surprised I don't weigh more.  Good grief I am going to have to cut back.  Severely.  

Sunday, 5 June 2016


It's the cake.  I am addicted to cake.  I ate over 2,000 cals of cake yesterday.  I think my daily total of food was probably 5,000 or more cals.  I did go swimming which was lovely and I did dig the allotment for hours but I still did not use up all those cals.

So now I am heading a little thread entitled stay off the cake and biscuits.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


Oh Lordy how did that happen?
Nice Swiss roll on the go.

June today.  Might give up bread.  That usually works a treat.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Exercise bonkers but also eating bonkers.
Have decided to take sabbatical from WLR.
Will concentrate more on SW .... after cooked brekker.  I'm hungry.

Monday, 2 May 2016


I haven't done the food diary.  I ate total rubbish for lunch until I was full to exploding.  I did do all tasks I meant to today.

Big swim
Potato planting
Bit of sewing
Bathed dog.

I don't think I will have lost weight - too much food.

Saturday, 30 April 2016


So how much did I lose on the Military Diet?  4lbs and it could have been more if I hadn't caved in last night and had champagne.  I still had tuna salad and ice cream.  Next attempt will be when Monsieur Smith goes to France in May.

So my really real following SW to the letter week starts here and now.  I have to write a food diary.  Boring.  I will make it jolly, with pics.

Chai latte - I thought was a low cal thingy but actually is 24 syns on SW.  Must look into making own version.   5 syns for the powdered one.  I will do well this week.

Friday, 29 April 2016


Thank you military diet.  I am now back to where I was last week, phew.

My Friday binge which led into Saturday was very damaging to both body and mind.  Better now.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


It is that same old five pounds being chased round and round.  Thinking of joining the military - the military diet.  Looks ghastly.

Monday, 25 April 2016


Bad Friday.  No, I mean really really awful Friday.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


Vegan days pay off.
Toying with the idea of the Military Diet.  May 9-11
In the meantime I will try not to pile the same old 5 lbs straight back on.
Hooray, vegan over - eggs for breaker.

Monday, 4 April 2016


I am quite unwell.  That is to say I am compulsively eating and my drinking is out of control.  I am borderline alcoholic with very little control.  No more booze says I then I have another glass the moment Mr Smith comes home.  I am also eating every hour or so.

So here is my strategy for today

3 meals
1 snack (tea time)
Stay busy

I am not sleeping.  Awake at 3/4am then tired all day.  I am sweaty.  I am very fat.  I can feel a pain in my chest.  I have some bladder control issues.  I am in a mess.  I need tlc and less food.

I thought a weekend alone would be so good for me to sort myself out but after the previous weekend of massive production and efficiency it all caved in.  I achieved very little.  I did swim which was lovely and made me feel good.  I have new hair which I totally love.  I cleaned my bedroom and sparkled the kitchen.  Much better.  I made two patchwork squares, yet to finish one.  I got out a big patchwork for quilting.  I will try to get it pinned, tacked, sandwiched together.  Then at least I have done something rather than faffed about achieving nothing.  I also have a painting on the go which is sort of lacking direction somehow.

So here is what I want to achieve by Friday.

3 lb weight loss
10 patchwork squares all done
Painting half done
A lovely Wednesday
A quilt top all together.


Saturday, 2 April 2016

Horrid March

I hurt my back so turned into a big fat blob.  Weight 170.  Bread eaten 14 loaves.  Wine drunk 60 bottles.

I put on 4lbs last week due to no exercise and overeating and no fat club and being lazy, greedy and drunk.  So it will be healthy eating from today.

1. Fridge clear out.
2. No more bread.
3. No booze.
4. Or crisps.

So it has to be three meals with no grazing for me today.  I need a swim.  I need a walk.  I need some exercise.

Today's plan.  Dog walk. Swimming early. Visit mother in law. Do some painting.  More dog walk.  Watch super crappy tv and sew.  Good plan.  Food will be slotted in accordingly.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


I thought that was amazing but it is only one down from last week so I can't really rave.  Now I absolutely must continue until Friday and be another 2 or 3 lbs down.  

Friday, 4 March 2016


That's better.
First week at Fat Club done and it was 3.5 down.  Brilliant.
I am quite pleased I had a couple of bad days as it would have been 5 or 6 lbs which is too much in one week.

I am now set to lose a stone for my first goal.

Start 12.2
Goal 11.2
10% 17 lbs

Tuesday, 1 March 2016


If I can possibly not completely mess up I could get down to 165 by Friday which would give me a nice 5lb loss at fat club.

Swim today, better swim tomorrow.

Monday, 29 February 2016


Going down.  Yesterday we had lasagne followed by treacle sponge and cream washed down with white wine.  I am mightily surprised I lost weight.  I did take the dog for a walk and I didn't eat anything else other than my lunch all day.  3lbs off in a day is massive.  In fact to drop from 172 to 167 in 4 days is a bit surprising but I think most of it is water retention from flying.  If I now keep up the diet I should have a great weight loss by Friday.  Oh how exciting.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Post holiday

After a month away I do expect a good half stone increase.  I was swimming and walking a great deal and it is only now that I am home I realise just how much exercise I was really packing into a day.  All rather sendentary back in Blighty.

Today was 172.  Much of that is plane swell.

Things I avoided on holiday.  Chocolate, cake, cheese, wine, biscuits, crisps.
What I ate was fruit for breakfast, sarni or salad for lunch and loads of rum in the evening and meat or fish for dins.

And now I must check myself and not fall into comfort eating.  It is cold and food is so warming.
Lots of cups of tea.

Friday, 22 January 2016


Dreadful binge yesterday evening.  Trying to fill the void left by lack of applause for ironing or something.  I was in a drink lots, eat lots mood.  I had a million stale crackers with butter and Tara.  Roasted cauliflower for dinner and too much wine.

I am going to pottery workshop tonight after swimming so that should keep me focused.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Wednesday, 20 January 2016



My weight is plummeting.  Much swimming.  Vegetarian week is going well.  Day 4 today.
Or is it Day 5?  Oh well, I will do more because I am losing weight although I so want a bacon sarnie I could scream.  I ate a stray sausage yesterday.  It was so good.

Monday, 18 January 2016


Getting nearer my goal of 11.7 by Feb.  I have decided 11.9 will do just fine.  That is 163 lbs.  I might be nearly that tomorrow then I can still do it.  I like this.

Sunday, 17 January 2016


Is that 11 stone 9?

Hang on 11 stone is 154 plus 9 is 163 so no it isnt. It is another 4lbs which is 11.13 but that is still miles better than 12 stone.

So time for a little chart.

Stones.           Pounds

140.                 10 stone
147.                 10 and a half stone
154.                 11 stone
161.                 11 and a half stone
162.                 11.8
163.                 11.9
164.                 11.10
165.                 11.11
166.                 11.12

Friday, 15 January 2016


It has stayed the same.  Given the amount I have eaten that is a major miracle.  I haven't been very good at the 6 lbs.  vegetarian week started today.  Well done me.  No exercise.  Bad done me.  

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Goal 163

In old money that is 11 stone 9lbs.  If I was that by February I would be superbly happy.

So little sum time.  169 minus 163 equals 6.  I can lose 6 lbs by the end of the month ... I think.

So that is um er 2lbs a week.  Ok.

But I am hungry.


Super busy and only turkey for every meal.  Well, we do have other things too.

Temperance - excellent
Orderliness       - ok
Food - good
Frugality - bought a little guillotine (indulgence)
Effort - patchwork and big bowl
Exercise ☹️
Start 8.30 am

Weekly roundup:

Total money spent this week - about £10
Medicine and chemist stuff, lottery ticket for £60m
Plus £25 on paper guillotine.

Ridiculous overeating on Thursday 
No booze Mon, Wed, Friday and Saturday.

Saturday, 9 January 2016


Now 170 after a slightly better day yesterday.

Mr Smith bought a turkey and insisted on Turkey Dinner on Thursday.  With lots of wine and champagne to wash it down I felt ready to burst.  A two pound weight gain was rather alarming.

Toffees going ok.

T - no booze due to ghastly hangover
O - don't think so
F - banana custard with brown sugar and cream.  Amazeballs.
F - frugality was good until I saw Claire and bought a little cutting machine.
E - I did big sewing!  I was so pleased I got it finished.
E - No
S - 10am

So a rubbish day really except sewing and not boozing.